Identity Understood, Not Known.

A preliminary search of “identity” in Christian interweb-circles reveals numerous inspirational "text images" that list verses and qualities of our identity in Christ. Good ol’ Pinterest is a minefield of muted colors and femininely expressed Instagram filters, all declaring identity in Christ alone.

I’ve yet to see one of these posts that is wrong, but how many of us live that identity? I am being snarky on the images themselves mostly because of the sheer number of them, but more so I’m curious how many of us truly GET what they say and mean. How many women out there truly claim their identity in Christ and walk in it with and absolute confidence, feeling that cross-contrast filter feeling of beauty and freedom?

I don’t... If you do, please share. I’d like to hear your story, and I'm sure other women would too.

Because I am convinced that, the best of intentions aside, most women are horridly confused in their identity. We don’t know it or don’t address it. Why?

Because we are women…
How many women get sidetracked and other things in life call us away from godly things?
How many women are pretending we have it all figured out and don’t read those text images? 
How many women find their identity in their husbands or children?
How many women feel more significant when in a relationship than when single?
How many women are so engrossed in the early child-rearing days, they’ve lost that part of them that use to be confident in Christ?
How many women have troubled teens and don’t have time between the drama, for more than random desperate prayers?
How many of us honestly have a hollow, empty place inside us that aches, despite knowing our identity should be in Christ?
How many women put more stock in their accomplishments and degrees than their identity?
How many of us allow our lifestyles and things to define us more than our God?
How many of us allow our resume and experiences to define us more than our identity in Christ?
How many of us KNOW what our identity should be but know it’s not there yet?
How many women are more into drama than they are a Christ-given identity?
How many women are more wrapped up in their ministry gifting than in Christ?
How many women are involved more in church than they are in God?
How many women have accepted a wrong perspective of their identity and don’t know how to get back to a right one?
How many women never knew their true identity?
How many women ignore it on purpose?
How many women Google for those inspirational images to find those reminders even thought they don’t GET that identity in their gut?
Did any of those resonate with you? More than one convicts me heavily.

It’s easy to find the lists that remind us, I am free, adopted, an heir, a royal priesthood, a daughter of the king, redeemed in Christ. It’s another to know it and live it.
Ladies, if you’re brave, I dare you to ask these questions of your close sisters. It’s not a matter of being more spiritual or more mature, or even more put together. Women of all ages and stages miss this or there wouldn’t be so many inspirational memes and bible studies on identity out there. It’s a matter of taking time and prioritizing that core identity more than our busy lives and to-do lists.

If husband, kids, work, ministry, friends, and hobbies were all stripped away, would you know who you are and be comfortable in your Christ-given identity? Or would you be like me and have to search and struggle to relocate it?
I’d love to hear your stories, ladies.


  1. Great article and a great challenge to think about!! I LOVE my identity in Christ and this is why. Once I discovered the reality of having been "co-crucified" with Christ, see Gal 2:20, the reality that I am not that old sinful mess any longer, but a habitation of the Living Christ, His Spirit alive in resurrected life in me! New wine in a glorious new wine skin! He's not trying to "fix" my old nature, He's wanting to teach me all I need to be as a new creation in Christ! I think the best part of this is that what when God looks at me, His LOVE sees me as loved, in the here and now, completely free of the penalty of sin, because He sees Jesus, having washed me clean. If I'm already clean and completely loved, it is out of that framework that I love others, His love, my identity! I'm not trying to earn His love by my puny attempts at loving others, His identity of one fully loved allows His real love to flow through me. That's why knowing my true identity matters to me!


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