I Give UP!!!

Give up.

“I'll take care of it.”
“I can do that.”
“Yes, no problem, I'll fix it.”

Hello, my name is Shaina and I'm a control freak. Go figure. I can do a lot and I like to think I can do it better than most, because of course, my way is best.

“I can organize this just so. Don't mess it up. I have things working, don't rock the boat.”
“God, I got this, don't worry.”
“God, if you need a day off, let me know, I'll hold things here, straighten stuff out while you're gone. You'll be impressed how well things work when I'm done.”

One of my favorite phrases is “when I rule the world...”
Proverbs 16:18 Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall.

I know I irritate people around me and God with my authoritative monster instincts. My skills aren't a complete curse (Proverbs 31:10-31). A woman is blessed with skills such as organization and management, but as with everything, moderation is due.

“Give up Shaina.”
“But I can fix this! If I just show them and rearrange...”
“Shaina, who fights your fights in heaven?”
“Who made you?”
“...you did.”
“Can I then be God again and order this situation my way???”
“...is this a trick question?”

God is sovereign. This means he is not controlled by outside forces, but is "an autonomous judiciary" or greatest in status or authority or power; "a supreme tribunal". We can argue, but he wins so why waste energy or time? Why fuss about situations we have no control over. In our minds, we can fix it. In reality, only God can do diddly-squat. It's out of our hands.

Luke 14:33 In the same way, any of you who does not give up everything he has cannot be my disciple.

Give up. Give up control because it's an illusion. God has it all and what he doesn't have, he has given over. Most people have sung the Sunday School song,

“He's got the whole world in his hands. He's got the whole world in his hands. He's got the whole world, in his hands, he's got the whole world in his hands.” 

It's a child's tune, but I forget the wisdom and maturity needed to practice the lessons in a Sunday School melody. Give up control to God.

“Okay God, my schedule is crazy so take this down. Monday, I'm in charge 2-5pm, the rest is yours. Tuesday from 10am- 12am and on into Wednesday...”

No. Give up. All of it. What power or knowledge do you have compared to God? What problem do you have that is bigger that God? The creator of the world and inspiration of the generations can probably organize everything perfectly... if you let him.

Is it easy? Hell no. That doesn't mean God doesn't still ask it of us. Trust. Blindly. What man walked with God until God took him to heaven without dying? Enoch. (Genesis 5:24). Is is possible and there are rewards for trusting God?

Give up. Give God control for everything, but especially for those little things. Those things you really want. The desires you don't tell anyone, but hope for every night when you fall asleep. Those situations you want to fix. The issues you want the most, need God the most.

It's not easy and it's not fun. You remind yourself daily, literally everyday while driving, praying, cooking, practicing, working, showering, or sleeping. You give up control and let God be God. This kind of giving up is a release and a lifting of a burden. It's a freeing experience, once you learn how. It's joyful once you learn to give up.

Give up.



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