Pilgrim's Progress - Father's Day Thoughts
I recently completed the English classic, Pilgrim's Progress by John
Bunyan. I knew the story and point of P.P., but learned some lessons
while reading this book nonetheless. I suppose this is the test of true
literature, that it affects its readers regardless of age and years.
Tis a dry read, I tell you truth, for the language is that of yesteryear, not used in society many years hence. Yet if ye have a will to, ye can indeed complete the story of Christian's journey to the Celestial City and of his wife's there after.
Anyway, I'll share one of my epiphany moments while reading P.P. Christian was blessed by helpers on his journey that encouraged him, inspired him and in Christiana's case, led her all the way to Heaven.
The first character is Evangelist: this man sets Christian on his journey, convinces him of his burden and that the only way of being save was through the wicket gate and the narrow path beyond. This character is responsible for planting the seed of faith in Christian. This is the person that brings or starts you on the way to Jesus. Who was the evangelist in your life?
The second character is Interpreter: he is the master of an oasis for pilgrims and always shows the travelers marvels that bring the miracles of God to mind in a new way, inspiring them to contemplate aspects of faith and the Christian life. This is someone who explains spiritual things for you. Someone you trust, who decodes the things of God or opens your eyes to see God as we normally do not. Who is your interpreter?
The third character is from Christiana's story, Great-heart: This man kills three giants while leading two women and four children (and the wives they pick up on the way) all the way from the gate, through the lions, the Valley of Humiliation, the Valley of the Shadow of Death - and probably more I am forgetting - up to the city just short of the river with no bridge. He leads them from the Destruction to Salvation. This character is the person who takes on the burden and joy of guiding people or someone to the Celestial City. This is the people that helps you along the road. The people that have your back and you run to when you have trouble or fall asleep on enchanted ground. Who slays your giants?
So I was thinking about these great characters (they lack much development, but they are still striking figures in the tale) and realized something.
My daddy fits all of these characters.
My daddy (and mommy!) was the one to plant the seed of Jesus in my life. He planted the seed through his love of Christ and living the life he wished for me. He began young and at three I became a Christian, after Wednesday night church, my parents praying with me at my bedside. He was my Evangelist.
I remember as a child doing Junior Bible Quiz and memorizing verses with dad. The verses I memorized I later learned to be hooks my life would hang on. Even today, if I ask a question on the bible or ask “where is that one verse?” and he knows, vaguely or exactly, he leads me to it. He still is my Interpreter and has been for years. My guess is he will only get better and wiser as I go and grow.
I made it through childhood, amazingly. I made it through puberty alive. I made it through high school, mostly. I made it through college, with sweat and tears. And my dad was always there. No matter what, for any reason, any problem he was there when I needed. I've taken over the giant-slaying now, but he's still there to led an ax or sword if I need one. My dad is my Great-heart.
As I go on my adventures, I know one thing for absolute certain. If I need help, shelter, advice, human aid, spiritual guidance, a friend, or merely father/daughter companionship, checking in, or whatever, I can call my daddy. I can always go home no matter the problem or how ugly the hurt. My daddy has helped me over a long portion of my Dangerous Journey. He'll help me always. I owe him a lot.
Thanks, Dad.
Tis a dry read, I tell you truth, for the language is that of yesteryear, not used in society many years hence. Yet if ye have a will to, ye can indeed complete the story of Christian's journey to the Celestial City and of his wife's there after.
Anyway, I'll share one of my epiphany moments while reading P.P. Christian was blessed by helpers on his journey that encouraged him, inspired him and in Christiana's case, led her all the way to Heaven.
The first character is Evangelist: this man sets Christian on his journey, convinces him of his burden and that the only way of being save was through the wicket gate and the narrow path beyond. This character is responsible for planting the seed of faith in Christian. This is the person that brings or starts you on the way to Jesus. Who was the evangelist in your life?
The second character is Interpreter: he is the master of an oasis for pilgrims and always shows the travelers marvels that bring the miracles of God to mind in a new way, inspiring them to contemplate aspects of faith and the Christian life. This is someone who explains spiritual things for you. Someone you trust, who decodes the things of God or opens your eyes to see God as we normally do not. Who is your interpreter?
The third character is from Christiana's story, Great-heart: This man kills three giants while leading two women and four children (and the wives they pick up on the way) all the way from the gate, through the lions, the Valley of Humiliation, the Valley of the Shadow of Death - and probably more I am forgetting - up to the city just short of the river with no bridge. He leads them from the Destruction to Salvation. This character is the person who takes on the burden and joy of guiding people or someone to the Celestial City. This is the people that helps you along the road. The people that have your back and you run to when you have trouble or fall asleep on enchanted ground. Who slays your giants?
So I was thinking about these great characters (they lack much development, but they are still striking figures in the tale) and realized something.
My daddy fits all of these characters.
My daddy (and mommy!) was the one to plant the seed of Jesus in my life. He planted the seed through his love of Christ and living the life he wished for me. He began young and at three I became a Christian, after Wednesday night church, my parents praying with me at my bedside. He was my Evangelist.
I remember as a child doing Junior Bible Quiz and memorizing verses with dad. The verses I memorized I later learned to be hooks my life would hang on. Even today, if I ask a question on the bible or ask “where is that one verse?” and he knows, vaguely or exactly, he leads me to it. He still is my Interpreter and has been for years. My guess is he will only get better and wiser as I go and grow.
I made it through childhood, amazingly. I made it through puberty alive. I made it through high school, mostly. I made it through college, with sweat and tears. And my dad was always there. No matter what, for any reason, any problem he was there when I needed. I've taken over the giant-slaying now, but he's still there to led an ax or sword if I need one. My dad is my Great-heart.
As I go on my adventures, I know one thing for absolute certain. If I need help, shelter, advice, human aid, spiritual guidance, a friend, or merely father/daughter companionship, checking in, or whatever, I can call my daddy. I can always go home no matter the problem or how ugly the hurt. My daddy has helped me over a long portion of my Dangerous Journey. He'll help me always. I owe him a lot.
Thanks, Dad.
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